
Post date: Mar 16, 2014 7:49:8 PM

Instead of creating a separate post for every set of videos I upload in regards to the Autonomous Lawnmower Project (ALP), I will regularly update this post with newer videos.

This video marks the last video I will personally record for the project. The video shows the final results of the project's autonomous operation, after re-writing a portion of the software and re-building a portion of the hardware. Most of the preparation was done in anticipation for the next senior design team continuing the project.

The video above shows my friend David Bui manually controlling the model lawnmower. The older chassis was scrapped and then replaced with a smaller, more maneuverable chassis built by David.

In this video, I demonstrate manual control of the moving object (i.e. the model lawnmower shown in the video) with an Xbox controller

Here, I demonstrate an autonomous algorithm in which a number of way-points are set and then the moving object (i.e. the model lawnmower shown in the video) travels to each way-point, sequentially

This video demonstrates the implementation of the lawnmower Path Algorithm, wherein the moving object (i.e. the model lawnmower shown in the video) completes a "zig-zag" oriented path by following a set of way-points generated by the computer